martedì 29 aprile 2014

One day with Sigma 12-24 and canon 40d

On April 25, I left early in the morning, although the weather did not promise anything good, armed with my Canon 40d and all objectives.
The idea was to make some shots worthy of the name and spend a relaxing day.
The goal by the Varaita.
Unfortunately, the light throughout the day was not the best and I had to keep the ISO high enough, the 40d is no longer a youngster and this machine feels the weight of years.
First stop, a place found by chance on the river Maira near Busca during the journey, at a certain point and step on a bridge, looking down, I see the ruins of a mill and the crib style canyon.
Engaging the Sigma 12-24 and I do some shooting.

The ruins of the mill, I have not taken a picture of the outside because it was all submerged vegetation. Note the entrance to the beautiful fresco.

After this short break we moved, we had some breaks here and there, but the only shots of note with this view I made them in the lake dry seeds of Pontechianale shortly before returning home in the afternoon. The landscape was still purely winter and seemed to be in a Norwegian fjord.

In conclusion, the Sigma 12-24 I consider it a great lens with a truly remarkable value for money, considering that it is located on the new € 750. Unfortunately, I'm just taking advantage of being born to cover a full frame.
The only flaws are its maximum brightness of f 3.5 and the impossibility of montarci filters having the last lens protrudes from the petals of the lens hood.
But I saw photographers who have built media craft to be able to mount the filter lee. Sooner or later I'll try and let you know.
During the day I also did a few shots with the Sigma 180 macro, but that's another story.

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