martedì 29 aprile 2014

Medal of St. Helena

It is some time that I wanted to write a few lines on this beautiful coin.
The medal of Sainte Hélène St. Helena or to say it in Italian was instituted by Napoleon III , to reward 405,000 soldiers still alive in 1857 , who fought alongside Napoleon Bonaparte during the wars from 1792 to 1815 .
Among all the decorated 5000 also received an inheritance of 400 francs having been the most deserving .
It was decorated as well as some Italian , but they do not know the number. Surely , for example, the men of the 111th Infantry of the line all Piedmont volunteers who accompanied Napoleon in Russia , predecessors, with the same fate , the Alpine troops in World War II .

The engraving on the back reminiscent of Napoleon Bonaparte, who in his will left a substantial figure for the benefit of his soldiers :
Campaigns 1792-1815 . Amongst the companions of glory , his last thought. May 5, 1821

It is not a rare medal , if they are quite a bit less with the ribbon . One thing to note is the cross at the top that many times it is broken down enough and makes it the value.
The ribbon like all of these medals to be a bit ' faded and show the signs of aging .
As riguardai the price if you want my advice take it in France, you find it much more cheaply than in Italy.
Particular attention should be made ​​to cross at the top , many times broken or worn and hidden by the ribbon in the pictures on the web. Prices are acceptable flow around 30-40 € for a nice medal with no ribbon and 60-70 € for one that is equipped.

I would also point out this great site that lists all the names of the awarded and, if possible, a photograph or their portrait.

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